The need to make durable long term repairs to buildings has never been more paramount. And to meet this growing need, Filltite has launched Rock Hard Repair Exterior Filler, which delivers exceptional results where lesser products ordinarily fail.
Tembés research has shown that during refurbishment and masonry repair projects, using a dependable high performance filler has never been more important for professional builders and decorators.
Given the frequent examples of how extreme weather is increasingly impacting our environment, buildings, and homes, it’s unsurprising that there is now a growing requirement for extraordinarily tough solutions. High performance fillers that can repair and prepare surfaces to confidently withstand the rigours of more intense environments.
For Long-term Repairs That Last
Builders, decorators and craftsmen are demanding exterior fillers which are easy to work with, fast setting and durable. This is especially true when the locations under repair are constantly exposed to unforgiving environmental wear. For example this could simply be anywhere with high foot traffic, or weather beaten locations, like the kind of buildings inhabited by the 5.3 million people who live in UK coastal towns.
Moreover, when it’s time to make infrequent repairs to historic buildings, landmarks and heritage architecture, high performance products are essential. After all these repairs are more than likely to be made once in a generation.
Ultimate High Performance Filler
For long term finishes that maintain buildings in a beautiful and functional condition, as originally intended. Filltite Rock Hard Repair offers the perfect solution. With exceptional adhesion to any substrate, in any location. This new versatile filler delivers a super fine finish that will outwear generations.
It's easy to mix and thanks to its fast setting time it is suitable for quickly making shaped repairs to pointing, stonework, cement, concrete, masonry, windowsills, and damaged angles.
Additionally, Rock Hard Repair is a great choice as a final finishing filler, because it dries white and impeccably smooth. This means less sanding is needed and it can be easily painted over once dry.